
Please refer to the latest Shareholder information pack for details of all policies which shareholders and guests must abide by.  This is available on the Shareholders page

At the entrance to the campground is a new “Sign in/out Shed”, please note and abide by the following new procedures:

  • Sign in the blue folder in to say you have arrived on the property and if you have to pick up a key it will be in the key box
  • When you leave you will drop your key in the box and money in an envelope in another locked box with your name on it.
  • The same rule applies as before for filling out the Trip Register in the green folder when you are moving about the property.  This is an important part of the health and safety requirements that is incumbent upon management to have these procedures in place (not to mention saving some long walks home if you strike trouble!).  With more visits to the property by shareholders/visitors/contractors and families and it is a responsibility we all share.
  • On the map it will be noted if there are any parts of the property not accessible at any given time
  • Any other information will attempted to be put up in the shed or on the notice board at the blocks

Please read this note about Tree Risk in the Campground

Fee schedule is here or in the Shareholders Information Pack.